The President of the Galician government visited the companies of the Business Factory Auto
March 20, 2018Muutech attends Las Vegas CES event
February 5, 2019Muutech participant in the Pontevedras's 2018 PontUpStore event
Past 20th, 21st and 22nd September was held in the city of Pontevedra (Spain) the PontUpStore, an initiative to support entrepreneurship, with the aim of encouraging and increasing the entrepreneurial culture in the galician society.
The event brings together both entrepreneurs and professionals, investors, students and companies that support innovation, collaboration and creative entrepreneurship.
The event brings together both entrepreneurs and professionals, investors, students and companies that support innovation, collaboration and creative entrepreneurship.
The PontUpStore consists mainly of 3 types of participation:
Muutech in the Puntazo Express
This year Muutech has participated in the Puntazo Express, explaining our monitoring project to the committee of "listeners" composed of four people. As a novelty this year, the presentation was public and at the end of the presentation there were 2 minutes of reply by the people who make up the committee.
The presentation of the project and monitoring platform of Muutech aroused considerable interest among some of the committee members and we believe that it has been very well received and understood, and we have been able to convey the benefits that a monitoring system can offer today Galician companies.
Real-time data control, anticipating the problems in a predictive manner, collecting data from multiple sources and locations and combining them from a unified central platform, give the project a very high potential when it comes to implementing to Galician and Spain companies.
To see some of the advantages that monitoring can bring to SMEs, we leave a link to the blog article of PontUpStore that we did for such event. Also, you can see the interview we made with them (in spanish)
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